Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Average: The World's New "Awesome"

Originally Posted on "The Zambani"

I may not be perfect, but definitely ain’t your average girl. I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but, well, I just ain’t average.

Average is the best of the worst and the worst of the best. So, why are people so “okay” with mediocrity? What is it exactly that’s missing from people to make them wish to excel to be more than just ok or average. Why have the world’s standards fallen and why is it so acceptable to be just average. Average is exactly that, AVERAGE but why do societal norms make it seem like being average is actually awesome? It’s probably because being better than average takes a whole lot more effort than just being average. It takes you stepping out of comfort zones you have become so cozy in. it takes putting more effort than the average person. It takes a conscious decision to want to be better than everyone else. Whatever you want to do, aim to be the best at it. Aim to be excellent and to do above and beyond and better than everyone else.

Why do I think am not an average girl? Because I do not follow the standards set by the world. They are too low for what I want to achieve in life.


  1. "They are too low for what I want to achieve in life..." You go girl. Can't nothing stop you now!!

    I too, refuse to be counted as average..I was born to break the status quo..

  2. eish, too low for what i want to achieve... i like i like! and you're so right!!!
