Saturday, October 23, 2010

High on Arrival

Ever had that warm feeling in your heart; that feeling of complete and utter peace, where you know life ain't perfect, but EVERYTHING has been taken care of? You know that feeling, when you know not to worry about anything because God has taken care of EVERYTHING already... That feeling that I would equate to the high a druggie gets from his/her drug of choice. Only difference is this "high" doesn't cause withdrawal symptoms afterwards, or a plummet in your mood when it wears off, because it comes from within and it comes with faith and complete trust in God.

So many times, we try to twist fate's arm in order for things to happen in the way we think they should happen or the way we want them to happen. We forget that God is the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our lives, meaning He wrote the story from the very first page and He will bring the story to completion. We forget to submit completely and to stop leaning on ourselves and our understanding. We get caught up in what we see as opposed to what we should believe. We forget that His thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are your ways His ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than your ways and His thoughts than your thoughts. We put God in a box and imagine that He can only do what is logically possible, yet He is GOD, His ways are higher than ours. He is able to do above and beyond what we can even imagine!

As people, especially as young adults looking to grow as Christians, looking at our futures, marriage and all that, we need to stop trying to make things happen our way. We need to learn to trust HIM completely. We need to trust that His plans for us are for our prosperity, not for our disaster. We need to have faith that as we pray, God gets to work immediately. We need to be patient and not try to fix things ourselves when it seems like God is taking too long to respond. We need to remember that good things are worth waiting for. We need to constantly remember that God gives us free will and the freedom of choice, but ultimately, when we submit to Him completely, He can change rules and regulations on our behalf, He can make ALL things work for our good, AND He can make things that are impossible, and logically speaking should not work, WORK and BE POSSIBLE.

We need to worry less about tomorrow and focus on living today as best as we can. God guides us every single step of the way if we let Him, and if we worry less about stuff He will lead us in His ways and open doors for us that NO ONE can close. But it begins with that leap of faith, that complete trust in Him.

When we begin to see things differently and deal with our issues, weaknesses and shortcomings head on, that inward joy begins to show outwardly. Imagine being stopped by the cops at an airport, and you are *buzzing*...they think you're high or drunk, or both, but you're not. You're just high on the Spirit. High on faith. Faith, that's my drug of choice.

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