Friday, April 8, 2011

God asleep on the job???

If GOD is GOOD. And GOOD things come to those wait. And all GOOD things come from God, WHY do people like settling for the not-so-good that clearly doesn't come from God?

Why are people in rush to get what takes time to perfect? Patience is a virtue. The Bible talks about those who WAIT ON THE LORD lacking NO GOOD thing. It doesn't say you will lack no thing but NO GOOD THING.

When God created the Earth, He WAITED until the 6th day to create man. Man is not only good, but PERFECT (created in His image) but also flawed. But even with all of man's flaws, man is still GOOD in God's eyes.

Just because you don't yet see the physical manifestations of what you've asked God for doesn't mean He has fallen asleep on the job. It probably just means He is taking what you asked for from okay to GOOD and pleasing to Him.

"How long you're willing to wait for something determines the value of what you're waiting for."

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