Monday, February 28, 2011

Live with the end in mind

Reckless. Thoughtless. Careless. Imprudent. Irresponsible in thought, deed. Making rash decisions that could cost you your future; a moment's pleasure that could cause you a lifetime of pain.

There's a big difference between worrying about the future and living with the end in mind. Living with the end in mind means you live life and make very decision based on what effect it'll have on your life in the future. it's all about making responsible decisions that may be difficult in the moment but will lead to you living a happier life in the future.

The trick to living with the end in mind is striking a balance between living life to the fullest day by day and remembering that although we are to ENJOY our lives, for every action there's a REaction. You may not immediately see the consequences of your actions but sooner or later they will show.

Plan ahead. Think about, but don't worry about the future. Do what you can and trust God to do what you can't.