Thursday, May 19, 2011

Apple seeds = apple trees

"You reap what you sow"

If you plant apple seeds, eventually you will reap apples. You can’t plant watermelon seeds and expect an apple tree to sprout out of the ground. It’s the same thing with our actions, words and thoughts: what you “put in” is what you’ll get out. This includes the people whose counsel you seek, what you watch on TV and the music you listen to. Stop telling yourself “it’s just a song, it won’t affect me” because IT WILL, thanks to a little thing called the sub-conscious!
There were times in the past when I also had the same mentality and I told myself it was just a song and it would never affect me and that I could listen to whatever I wanted to listen to and it’d never affected me, until I could sing all the words of a particular song from a to z, without even thinking about it… a song that I had probably only heard once or twice.
On the subject of music, ever noticed how certain songs evoke a certain behavior in you? Ha, I have seen some girls going BUCK wild when certain songs come on… and I mean WILD… at the same time, ever noticed how people act a certain way when Hillsong for example is playing.? So clearly music influences SOMETHING in our behaviour.

The brain is a powerful muscle and a silent worker. You don’t always feel or hear it processing information or at work, but it works so much more than you can imagine. For example, I have been driving for close to 5 years now and when I decide to go somewhere, it do not consciously say:

"Right! Now I’m going to sit in the car, fasten my belt, stick the key in the ignition and turn it, shift gears, turn of the handbrake" etc.

It happens almost without me even thinking about it. So often I arrive somewhere and wonder how I got there – SUBCONSCIOUS in action!

There’s SO much poison in the world lately, especially in the media. Sin is available pretty much at the click of a button. You have to have a very fine filter for your mind. You can tell yourself you will not be affected but it’s like having a mud fight and expecting not to get any mud on you.Be a

ware that things aren’t always as they seem. Don’t just look at things a face value, but look beyond them.

Actions do speak louder than words and what may seem like a meaningless action today, one day YOU WILL REAP. Every action, word and thought is a seed, and like a seed, if cultivated, it’ll sprout, grow and have it’s being in your life.
Don’t sow watermelon seeds expecting apple trees.

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