Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dancing in the rain

You need to be broken to know what it feels like to be whole.
You need to go through a blistering winter to appreciate the warmth of the sun.
You need to have been unlovable to truly appreciate what love is.
You need to have been through the dark to understand the Light.
You need to have been a “write-off” to fully grasp the concept of grace,
You may have to be battered and bruised to know what it feels like to be healed.

When you’re going through what seems to be a never-ending storm, KNOW that it shall pass. While you’re waiting for it to pass, dance in the rain! For in the same way diamonds are made through pressure, we are made better people through our trials. What you we go through can change you, but never be reduced by it.


  1. So inspiring :) We are our experiences - the good, bad; fun, sadness; beauty and scars make who we are and as we said that day, the bigger picture view makes it so much easier for us to withstand the short term discomfort. Tash, this is very reflective and wise..

  2. Beauty for ashes!!! God takes a wretch like us and changes us for His glory through our trials! Dancing in the rain is the only way to go!!!!! and i mean who doesnt like the rain!

  3. Dance, sing, thank and praise in the middle of the storm.. Enjoying the journey, as we wait for a glorious destination..

    Awesome post.
