Monday, November 28, 2011


 Never be afraid of letting go of things in your life that have reached their expiry date. Letting some things go makes space for something new!

Every month, I spring clean my living space. But every  2 or 3 months I do a major, all-out SUPER CLEAN.  I take out all my old boxes, get into the cupboards that haven’t been opened in a while and dig up all  my clothes which I haven’t worn in ages. I’m always amazed at the amount of stuff I accumulate over the months!

I used to have a lot of stuff I'd cling onto because it had “sentimental value”, or ‘just in case I needed it’ -- Clothes I KNEW I’d never wear,  things I knew I’d not use again and so on. But lately whenever I decide to do a major clean I become RUTHLESS with my clutter and anything not used in the past 6 months, and  not likely to be used again gets thrown out or given away! I’m always so happy at the end of my cleaning sprees at how much stuff I am able to get rid of and the amount of free space I create just but letting GO!

Often, we let great things pass us by because our “space” is fully occupied by illegal settlers and things that have passed their expiry date. Whether it's a wrong relationship, a failing friendship or holding onto a past hurt...whatever... holding on to clutter from the past limits your availability for new things. Sometimes we hold on to things with such a tight grip, and clog up our lives, often, holding onto things that really shouldn’t be in our lives. Just as we spring clean our living spaces every now and then, we also need to periodically evaluate and take stock of our lives and highlight the space-occupying non-benficial things in our lives.

Let some things go.You’ll be amazed at the wonderful things you’ll begin to experience because of the space created when you let go!


  1. Wow.this is so relevant. Had to make a decision on whether to throw stuff out/ send it to charity, it was all sentimental stuff that had been lying in a garage for over a year but any way. It was a really hard decision to make but it feels like a fresh start :) Kinda feel like it's symbolic in a up old stuff to make way for new things, Kinda like how God highlights stuff in our lives that we need to get rid of in order to walk closer with him, like making new opportunities in a way :) here's to the future!

  2. Yes! Yes! It's a practice I am slowly getting into.. It's always so refreshing once it's been done.. :)

  3. thanks for the feedback ladies :)

    @Ngaa that's so good!! and you're right, it's not always easy but you always feel such a sense of release afterwards. it's great to let go of some stuff and even better when you're able to give to people who need it more than you.

    @Ange, keep at it hun... Practice makes perfect :)

  4. @Ngaa I just remembered the scripture from Mark 2:22 --- no one puts NEW wine into OLD skins :D

  5. Getting rid of the old things huh? Yeah i do try to make it point to spring clean every now and then. Just need to make sure things are sorted out in the right way. From books to clothes and everything else.

    I do have to admit, it can be boring.
